
  • January 27, 2025

    ​​​​​​​States Back In Spotlight As Feds Exit Net Neutrality Debate

    The Sixth Circuit might have recently hammered the last nail into the coffin of federal net neutrality rules, but states are poised to fill the void — just as some did when the last Trump administration tanked a previous broadband regulatory regime.

  • January 27, 2025

    Justices To Weigh Feds' Liability In Ga. Wrong-House Raid

    The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Monday to hear the appeal of a Georgia family that was the victim of a botched FBI no-knock raid of their home, taking up a pair of questions that will test of the boundaries of the Federal Tort Claims Act.

  • January 27, 2025

    Keep Damages Rules, Let Newman Hear Case, Fed. Circ. Told

    The full Federal Circuit has been urged by startups and attorneys to reject calls by Google to tighten rules for admitting patent damages testimony, while counsel for suspended U.S. Circuit Judge Pauline Newman told the court it can't lawfully decide the case without her.

  • January 27, 2025

    4th Circ. Says Servicemembers Law Doesn't Bar Arbitration

    The Fourth Circuit ruled Monday that the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a federal law that grants financial protections to members of the U.S. armed forces, does not override mandatary arbitration agreements in lenders' contracts with military borrowers.

  • January 27, 2025

    Civil Liberties Org. Says FDIC's Court 'Eviscerates' Civil Rights

    The New Civil Liberties Alliance told the Fifth Circuit on Monday to spurn the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s attempt to level a fraud judgment against a banker, saying the agency's in-house court sidesteps the constitutional right to a jury trial.

  • January 27, 2025

    Cisco Tells Fed. Circ. To Uphold Win In Cybersecurity IP Row

    Cisco has defended its retrial victory in a multibillion-dollar computer security patent case by telling the Federal Circuit the new judge had seen through a cybersecurity startup's legal "tactics."

  • January 27, 2025

    Justice Thomas Slams 6th Circ. In Habeas Petition Dissent

    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday called out the Sixth Circuit for "repeated disrespect" for the law in granting what he said was inappropriate habeas relief, a practice he said is costly to the justice system and victims in a dissent from a denial of writ of certiorari.

  • January 27, 2025

    Yen Libor-Rigging Case Lands Before 2nd Circ. Again

    Institutional investors urge the Second Circuit to again revive a lawsuit accusing Bank of America, UBS and others of rigging the interbank borrowing rate for Japanese yen, arguing in a brief Monday that a lower court judge dismissed the case on "obviously erroneous grounds with little (if any) supporting analysis."

  • January 27, 2025

    3rd Circ. Says Class Cert. Won't Work In Junk Fax Suit

    Since Fox Rehabilitation Services used "highly individualized methods" to seek consent from the entities it sent faxes to, it would be too difficult for a lawsuit accusing the company of sending unsolicited ads to proceed as a class action, a split Third Circuit panel has ruled.

  • January 27, 2025

    Late Filings Didn't Stymie Tax Challenges, Conn. Justices Say

    Failing to file timely appraisals on commercial properties valued over $1 million was not fatal to several owners' tax assessment challenges under a new state law, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Monday, agreeing that a trial judge properly reopened the cases months after a missed deadline.

  • January 27, 2025

    6th Circ. Says Union Can't Save Cook For Missing The Boat

    The Sixth Circuit upheld a win for the nation's oldest maritime union Monday, finding that the organization had no ability to defend a cook who was fired by a steamship company after she missed her boat.

  • January 27, 2025

    SEC OKs Nasdaq Pulling Diversity Rules After 5th Circ. Loss

    The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has greenlighted Nasdaq's proposal to undo the exchange's rules requiring that companies listed on it disclose board diversity data, following a narrow, en banc ruling from the Fifth Circuit last month finding the rules ran afoul of federal securities law.

  • January 27, 2025

    DC Circ. Skirts Google's Employer Status In NLRB Dispute

    The D.C. Circuit appeared unlikely Monday to decide whether the National Labor Relations Board correctly tagged Google as the joint employer of quality assurance contractors, with a panel seeming skeptical that it can weigh in a year after Google ended its deal with the workers' direct employer.

  • January 27, 2025

    Fed. Circ. Rules Smartphone Camera Patent Claims Are Invalid

    The Federal Circuit ruled Monday that all the claims in a pair of patents relating to smartphone camera technology were invalid, backing most of various Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions involving tech giants like Apple, Google and LG.

  • January 27, 2025

    Justices Won't Review $90M Facebook Privacy Settlement

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review a case involving a $90 million settlement for claims Facebook illegally tracked logged-out users' browsing activity, rejecting an argument from an objector who challenged plaintiff service awards and $26.1 million in attorney fees.

  • January 27, 2025

    Pa. Social Club Can't Revive COVID-19 Coverage Suit

    The Pennsylvania Superior Court on Monday backed the dismissal of a Scranton social club's suit seeking to recover pandemic-related losses, citing the state high court's landmark ruling last year that physical loss or damage requires tangible alteration to property.

  • January 27, 2025

    Ga. Appeals Panel Revives Malpractice Suit Against Law Firm

    The Georgia Court of Appeals partly reinstated a malpractice suit accusing a Georgia law firm and one of its former attorneys of failing to show up at a client's bench trial that ended with a $100,000 judgment against the client.

  • January 27, 2025

    Broadcom Unit Loses Patent In Netflix Fight At Fed. Circ.

    A Broadcom subsidiary had no luck at the Federal Circuit on Monday in breathing new life into data caching patent claims that were asserted in the chipmaker's legal war with Netflix, but later rejected by the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board.

  • January 27, 2025

    Contractor Seeks DC Circ. Approval Of $200M Arbitral Award

    A toll road contractor asked the D.C. Circuit to approve a $200 million arbitral award against the Peruvian city of Lima over a failed construction contract, saying the city's argument that the contract was obtained through corruption had already been rejected by two arbitration panels and a federal judge.

  • January 27, 2025

    Mich. Justices Strip Eye Doc's Fee Award In Noncompete Row

    The Michigan Supreme Court has stripped an ophthalmologist of his attorney fee award in a noncompete dispute after determining a trial court was within its right to consider that the doctor's successful defense was based on a "false premise," and evidence submitted late was relevant to the issue at hand.

  • January 27, 2025

    Conn. Gov. Taps Appellate Chief For State's High Court

    Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont announced a host of judicial nominations on Monday, including nominating the chief judge of the Connecticut Appellate Court to the Connecticut Supreme Court and nominating a Connecticut Superior Court judge to fill his seat.

  • January 27, 2025

    SCOTUSblog Publisher Pleads Not Guilty To Tax Crimes

    U.S. Supreme Court advocate and SCOTUSblog co-founder Tom Goldstein pled not guilty in Maryland federal court on Monday to charges that he schemed to evade taxes and used funds from his boutique law firm to cover gambling debts.

  • January 27, 2025

    High Court Skips Golf Course Investors' Class Cert. Bid

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a review petition filed by Chinese investors who wanted class certification for their Ponzi scheme suit against a Chinese citizen accused of misusing the investors' money to buy multiple golf courses and other properties in South Carolina.

  • January 27, 2025

    Pipeline Cos. Tell DC Circ. FERC Project Review Is Solid

    Companies behind a methane gas pipeline set to run between West Texas and Mexico are asking the D.C. Circuit to uphold the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's approval of the project, which is being challenged by environmentalists.

  • January 27, 2025

    High Court Won't Mull 'Cruel And Unusual' Miss. Voting Ban

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a challenge to sections of the Mississippi Constitution that permanently bar people convicted of certain felonies from voting and which a federal court of appeals had found violated the Eighth Amendment's prohibitions against "cruel and unusual punishment."

Expert Analysis

  • When 'Patented' Goes Beyond Inventorship In False Ad Cases

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    The Federal Circuit's recent false advertising holding in Crocs v. Effervescent is significant because it offers a nuanced yet realistic understanding of what false claims about a product's status as "patented" can mean, say attorneys at McDermott.

  • 2nd Circ. Hostile Workplace Ruling Widens Arbitration Pitfalls

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    The Second Circuit’s recent decision, affirming the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act applies to a worker whose workplace hostility claims arose before the law’s 2022 enactment, widens the scope of the law — and the risks of unenforceable arbitration agreements for employers, say attorneys at Hinshaw.

  • 2nd Circ. Maxwell Ruling Adds To Confusion Over NPA Reach

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    The Second Circuit’s recent decision upholding Ghislaine Maxwell’s conviction made an analytical leap in applying plea agreement precedent to a nonprosecution agreement, compounding a circuit split and providing lessons for defense counsel, say attorneys at Kropf Moseley.

  • The Fed. Circ. In October: Aetna And License-Term Review

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    The Federal Circuit's recent decision that Aetna's credit card licensing agreement with AlexSam did not give the insurer immunity from patent infringement claims serves to warn licensees to read their contracts carefully, say attorneys at Knobbe Martens.

  • Recent Developments In Insurance Coverage For FCA Claims

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    As the U.S. Department of Justice continues its vigorous False Claims Act enforcement, companies looking to their insurers to help defray the costs of an investigation or settlement should note recent decisions on which types of policies cover FCA claims, which policy periods apply and which portions of FCA-related losses are covered, say attorneys at Covington.

  • Striking A Balance Between AI Use And Attorney Well-Being

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    As the legal industry increasingly adopts generative artificial intelligence tools to boost efficiency, leaders must note the hidden costs of increased productivity, and work to protect attorneys’ well-being while unlocking AI’s full potential, says Ed Sohn at Factor.

  • Boosting Confidence In Pennsylvania's Election System

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    As Election Day nears, Pennsylvania is facing an intense flurry of litigation, including an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court centered on mail-in and provisional ballots, but the state's election system is robust, and attorneys from all practice areas have an important role to play in ensuring confidence in and access to our election system, says Bucks County Commissioner Bob Harvie.

  • Takeaways From The IRS' Crypto Doc Summons Win

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    A recent First Circuit decision holding that taxpayers do not have a Fourth Amendment reasonable expectation of privacy in cryptocurrency transaction records should prompt both taxpayers and exchanges to take stock of past transactions and future plans, say attorneys at BakerHostetler.

  • A Novel Expansion Of Alien Tort Statute In 9th Circ.

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    The Ninth Circuit's Doe v. Cisco rehearing denial allows a new invocation of the Alien Tort Statute to proceed, which could capture the U.S. Supreme Court's attention, and has potentially dramatic consequences for U.S. companies doing business with foreign governments, say attorneys at Ropes & Gray.

  • Empathy In Mediation Offers A Soft Landing For Disputes

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    Experiencing a crash-landing on a recent flight underscored to me how much difference empathy makes in times of crisis or stress, including during mediation, says Eydith Kaufman at Alternative Resolution Centers.

  • Series

    Being An Artist Makes Me A Better Lawyer

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    My work as an artist has highlighted how using creativity and precision together — qualities that are equally essential in both art and law — not only improves outcomes, but also leads to more innovative and thoughtful work, says Sarah La Pearl at Segal McCambridge.

  • Reading Tea Leaves In Fed. Circ. Deep Dive On Review Scope

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    Roy Wepner at Kaplan Breyer investigates why a recent Federal Circuit opinion spent six pages explaining its unsurprising conclusion on proper scope of review — that no deference need be afforded to the trial court in a case dismissed for failure to state a claim.

  • How Judiciary Can Minimize AI Risks In Secondary Sources

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    Because courts’ standing orders on generative artificial intelligence and other safeguards do not address the risk of hallucinations in secondary source materials, the judiciary should consider enlisting legal publishers and database hosts to protect against AI-generated inaccuracies, say attorneys at Lankler Siffert & Wohl.

  • Newly Acquired Information Can Be Key In Drug Label Cases

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    The question of whether federal law preempts state law claims is often central in pharmaceutical labeling cases, like the Fosamax litigation now before the Third Circuit — but parties must also consider whether there is newly acquired information to justify submitting a proposed labeling change in the first place, say attorneys at Arnold & Porter.

  • Tips For Employers As Courts Shift On Paid Leave Bias Suits

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    After several federal courts recently cited the U.S. Supreme Court's Muldrow decision — which held that job transfers could be discriminatory — in ruling that paid administrative leave may also constitute an adverse employment action, employers should carefully consider several points before suspending workers, says Tucker Camp at Foley & Lardner.

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