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January 21, 2025
Colo. Court OKs Use Of LLC Test For LPs In Ranch War
A Colorado state appeals court affirmed a trial court's decision to dissolve a partnership that owned a ranch in the state, ruling for the first time that a test for determining when judicial dissolution is necessary can be applied to limited partnerships.
January 21, 2025
Fed. Circ. Refuses To Restore Solar Cell Patent Claims
An Indian industrial conglomerate failed on Tuesday to persuade Federal Circuit judges to breathe new life into a patent covering a way of assembling solar cells that it had asserted in Delaware federal court against a Korean rival.
January 21, 2025
4th Circ. Backs NASCAR Team Owner's $31M Ch. 11 Sanction
The Fourth Circuit has backed a $31 million default judgment entered against a former NASCAR team manager as a sanction after what the published opinion called "egregious behavior" during discovery and "willful disregard of the bankruptcy code and the orders of the bankruptcy court."
January 21, 2025
Ex-FCC Members Oppose 5th Circ. Universal Service Ruling
A bipartisan group of eight former members of the Federal Communications Commission is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a Fifth Circuit ruling that found the mechanism for funding the FCC's universal service subsidies unconstitutional.
January 21, 2025
Colo. High Court Says Personal ID Theft Limited To People
The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday threw out a charge of identity theft against a man convicted of running a fraudulent nursing class, saying that while parts of the state's identity theft statute can apply to businesses, the portion concerning personal identifying information applies only to individuals.
January 21, 2025
Colo. Justices Say Elephants Don't Get Habeas Rights
The Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday said the state's habeas statute only gives humans the right to petition against unlawful detention, upholding the dismissal of a habeas petition filed on behalf of five elderly elephants at a zoo.
January 21, 2025
KeyBank Fights Adviser's $1.1M Defamation Win In 2nd Circ.
KeyBank's investment unit urged the Second Circuit on Tuesday to overturn parts of a $1.1 million defamation award to a former adviser, claiming that FINRA arbiters wrongly added attorney fees and a regulatory notice violation to the ex-employee's win.
January 21, 2025
Cornell Case May Be Bellwether For ERISA Transaction Claims
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday from Cornell University and workers looking to reinstate a class action alleging their retirement plan paid excessive fees, in a case that could change the strategy for Employee Retirement Income Security Act plaintiffs in the future.
January 21, 2025
ACC Asks Fla. High Court To Pause FSU's Suit
The Atlantic Coast Conference said Tuesday that it intends to ask the Florida Supreme Court to take up its bid to halt Florida State University's grant-of-rights contractual lawsuit in favor of the conference's action in North Carolina.
January 21, 2025
Amazon Says New Ruling Can't Save Price-Gouging Suit
Amazon is looking to end an updated proposed class action alleging price-gouging during the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing the Washington Supreme Court's recent interpretation of a consumer protection law is not a green light for every plaintiff who bought any product on the platform in 2020, including non-essential goods.
January 21, 2025
Fee Sanctions Upheld For 'Frivolous' Defamation Suit
A Michigan appellate panel says a trial court did not err by sanctioning a Detroit-based cooking influencer for filing a "frivolous" defamation complaint over social media comments, with the panel agreeing the influencer's claims were "devoid of arguable legal merit."
January 21, 2025
Calif. Appeals Court Reinstates Nurses' Wage Suit
A California appeals court upended a hospital operator's win on some claims in nurses' wage and hour lawsuit, saying the nurses put forward enough evidence to show their employer's rounding policy resulted in their underpayment.
January 21, 2025
Don't Forget To Check Spam Folders, Immigration Board Says
Electronic notices may land in spam folders, but that's no excuse to miss deadlines, a Board of Immigration Appeals panel has said, denying a reconsideration request by Colombia natives whose removal order appeal was tossed after they didn't file a brief on time.
January 21, 2025
10th Circ. Skeptical Ruling Would Invite Bogus Claim Denials
A Tenth Circuit panel appeared skeptical Tuesday that a lower court had cleared the way for the insurance industry to rely on flawed expert reports to justify claims decisions, with one judge suggesting the ruling was a limited one.
January 21, 2025
High Court Asked To Review Malpractice Insurance Claim Row
A California woman has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review a First Circuit ruling that upheld a federal court's judgment despite it being "explicitly contrary" to Massachusetts law, telling the court that denying her bid for a certification by the state's high court punishes federal plaintiffs and encourages forum shopping.
January 21, 2025
No Recusal Needed After Clerk Barred From Cases, Panel Rules
The Pennsylvania Superior Court backed the rejection of the Cumberland County District Attorney's Office's request that the county president judge be excluded from hearing all criminal cases because of his law clerk's alleged aggressiveness toward attorneys, reasoning there was nothing in the record to show that the judge was biased.
January 21, 2025
Bondi Pledges To Consult DOJ Ethics Team On Trump Matters
Following last week's hearing for President Donald Trump's attorney general nominee, Democrats further questioned Pam Bondi on how she would maintain independence from Trump due to her past relationships with him.
January 21, 2025
Justices Doubt Retailers Are 'Bystanders' In FDA Challenge
Several U.S. Supreme Court justices appeared to agree Tuesday that Texas and Mississippi retailers could join a North Carolina e-cigarette manufacturer in challenging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's denial of its marketing application, and Justice Clarence Thomas questioned the agency's motivation to argue otherwise.
January 21, 2025
Trump 2020 Electors, Criminally Charged, Can't Stop Civil Suit
A state appellate panel said a civil lawsuit could proceed against Michigan Republicans who allegedly participated in a "false elector" plot in 2020, finding a judge did not abuse her discretion by refusing to stay the case for related criminal proceedings.
January 21, 2025
Victors In Landmark Graft Case Want 2nd Top Court Review
The defendants who won a landmark 2023 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that narrowed certain types of corruption prosecutions have asked the justices to intervene in their case again, claiming the Second Circuit had wrongly allowed the government to pursue new trials based on a different theory of fraud.
January 21, 2025
Womble Bond Atty Appeals Contempt Ruling To 4th Circ.
A Womble Bond Dickinson partner is appealing a North Carolina federal judge's December ruling holding him in contempt of court for failing to correct misrepresentations he allegedly made to a Dutch tribunal in parallel litigation involving a software developer and its former Dutch partner.
January 21, 2025
6th Circ. Won't Reinstate $18.3M Verdict Against TransUnion
The Sixth Circuit refused to reconsider a decision that vacated an $18.3 million jury award against TransUnion LLC, rejecting a request from a startup that claimed the credit reporting company kept hold of intellectual property related to the development of an insurance quote marketplace after their partnership dissolved.
January 21, 2025
1st Circ. Affirms Hearst Win In Fired Worker's Vax Suit
The First Circuit has rejected a former Hearst videographer's argument that the broadcaster was obligated to prove the COVID-19 vaccine was effective in reducing the spread of the virus before firing him for not getting the shots.
January 21, 2025
Split 9th Circ. Backs Enhanced NLRB Remedy Against Macy's
A divided Ninth Circuit panel on Tuesday enforced a National Labor Relations Board order making Macy's pay heightened remedies to workers it refused to rehire after their 2020 strike ended, opening a split with the Third Circuit.
January 21, 2025
Justices Won't Tackle Challenge To Makeup Of PTAB Panels
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected an appeal arguing that it is unfair that the same Patent Trial and Appeal Board panel decides whether to review a patent and then issues the final decision, leaving in place an invalidity win for Samsung and others.
Expert Analysis
A Look At Recent Case Law On Expedited Judgment In NY
A number of recent New York state court decisions clarify and refine the contours surrounding Civil Practice Law and Rule 3213, providing landlords, lenders and other payees guidance on how to seek accelerated judgment in certain litigation, says Alexander Lycoyannis at Holland & Knight.
Supreme Court Must Halt For-Profit Climate Tort Proliferation
If the U.S. Supreme Court does not seize the opportunity presented by Honolulu v. Sunoco to reassert federal authority over interstate pollution regulation, the resulting frenzy of profit-driven environmental mass torts against energy companies will stunt American competitiveness and muddle climate policy, says Gale Norton at Liberty Energy.
Litigation Inspiration: Honoring Your Learned Profession
About 30,000 people who took the bar exam in July will learn they passed this fall, marking a fitting time for all attorneys to remember that they are members in a specialty club of learned professionals — and the more they can keep this in mind, the more benefits they will see, says Bennett Rawicki at Hilgers Graben.
Allergan Ruling Reinforces Value Of Patent Term Adjustments
The Federal Circuit’s recent ruling in Allergan v. MSN, which held that patent term adjustment awards for first-filed, first-issued patents cannot be stripped away by later-issuing child patents that expire earlier, means practitioners must consider the potential impact of any action that might reduce the adjustment amount, say attorneys at Cooley.
AI May Limit Key Learning Opportunities For Young Attorneys
The thing that’s so powerful about artificial intelligence is also what’s most scary about it — its ability to detect patterns may curtail young attorneys’ chance to practice the lower-level work of managing cases, preventing them from ever honing the pattern recognition skills that undergird creative lawyering, says Sarah Murray at Trialcraft.
A Class Action Trend Tests Limit Of Courts' Equity Powers
A troubling trend has developed in federal class action litigation as some counsel and judges attempt to push injunctive relief classes under Rule 23(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure beyond the traditional limits of federal courts' equitable powers, say attorneys at Jones Day.
What's In The Cards For CFTC's Election Betting Case
A D.C. federal judge's Sept. 12 ruling, allowing KalshiEx to offer derivative contracts trading on the outcome of the U.S. congressional elections over objections from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, could mark a watershed moment in the permissibility of election betting if upheld on appeal, say attorneys at BakerHostetler.
Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: September Lessons
In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy identifies practice tips from four recent class certification rulings involving denial of Medicare reimbursements, automobile insurance disputes, veterans' rights and automobile defects.
IP Concerns For Manufacturing Semiconductors In Low Orbit
With space habitation companies working to launch private space stations in the near future, semiconductor manufacturers aiming to execute research and development in low or microgravity must consider the unique claim drafting and patent protection issues that will emerge, says Greg Miraglia at Quinn Emanuel.
How NLRB Memo Balances Schools' Labor, Privacy Concerns
Natale DiNatale at Robinson & Cole highlights the recent National Labor Relations Board advice memorandum that aims to help colleges reconcile competing obligations under the National Labor Relations Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as university students flock toward unionization.
3 Coverage Tips As 2nd Circ. 'Swipes Left' On Tinder Claim
The Second Circuit's recent opinion in Match Group v. Beazley Underwriting, overturning Tinder's victory on its insurer's motion to dismiss a coverage action, reinforces three best practices policyholders purchasing claims-made coverage should adhere to in order to avoid late-notice defenses, say Lynda Bennett and Alexander Corson at Lowenstein Sandler.
How Loper Bright Is Affecting Pending FCC Litigation
Pending challenges against Federal Communications Commission orders at the Sixth and Eleventh Circuits following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Loper Bright highlight that counsel must be familiar with the statutes, regulations and precedent relevant to the FCC to best navigate the rapidly changing compliance landscape, say attorneys at Davis Wright.
Round-Canopy Parachuting Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Similar to the practice of law, jumping from an in-flight airplane with nothing but training and a few yards of parachute silk is a demanding and stressful endeavor, and the experience has bolstered my legal practice by enhancing my focus, teamwork skills and sense of perspective, says Thomas Salerno at Stinson.
7 Takeaways For Companies After Justices' Bribery Ruling
The U.S. Supreme Court’s Snyder v. U.S. decision this summer, holding that a federal law does not criminalize after-the-fact gratuities made to public officials, raises some key considerations for companies that engage with state, local and tribal governments, say attorneys at BakerHostetler.
Why Now Is The Time For Law Firms To Hire Lateral Partners
Partner and associate mobility data from the second quarter of this year suggest that there's never been a better time in recent years for law firms to hire lateral candidates, particularly experienced partners — though this necessitates an understanding of potential red flags, say Julie Henson and Greg Hamman at Decipher Investigative Intelligence.