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Food & Beverage
January 09, 2025
Whiskey Maker Says 'Landry' Name Use 'Isn't Just About Me'
The owner of a whiskey company accused of ripping off the name used by a host of hospitality brands owned by Houston billionaire Tilman Fertitta testified that he started his company with the honest belief that the name "Landry" was available for use for liquor sales.
January 09, 2025
Grocers Say Nothing Left To Fight In Colo. Merger Challenge
Kroger and Albertsons told a Denver District Court that the state's challenge to its merger should be dismissed now that the deal is dead, arguing in a motion that the state always knew that decisions in other lawsuits could render its claim moot.
January 09, 2025
Ark. Cites 4th Circ. Ruling In Dispute Over Hemp THC Limit
Arkansas is pointing the Eighth Circuit's judges toward an opinion earlier this week from their colleagues in the Fourth Circuit, saying they should consider it as they mull whether to allow the state's regulations on intoxicating hemp products to stand.
January 09, 2025
AFL-CIO, SEIU Promise Expanded Power With Reaffiliation
The AFL-CIO and the Service Employees International Union announced that they are reaffiliating nearly 20 years after the service workers union split from the labor federation, with leaders of both groups promising the renewed partnership will help the labor movement reach more workers.
January 09, 2025
SharkNinja Customer Sues For $3.75M After Blender Explodes
A woman who was nearly blinded when her Ninja brand blender "exploded" claimed SharkNinja's design of the appliance was defective in a complaint transferred to Michigan federal court this week.
January 09, 2025
UK Supermarkets Fear Higher Costs Amid Tax Changes
Supermarket companies Marks & Spencer and Tesco reported Thursday that they had high sales figures due to Christmas, but both retailers also said they expect to face higher tax costs in 2025 due to changes to National Insurance, a payroll tax used to fund social programs.
January 09, 2025
Beer Sales Rep Can't Show Lasting Harm From Noncompete
A former Boston Beer Co. sales employee challenging a one-year noncompete agreement has failed to show how she will suffer irreparable harm without a preliminary injunction, a Massachusetts federal judge ruled Wednesday, saying any damages are "readily calculable" if she ultimately wins the case.
January 09, 2025
Kraft Heinz Set For March Trial Over Food Factory Overhaul
Kraft Heinz Foods Co. and the Ohio contractor that accused it of failing to pay $7.6 million for the work and materials that went into overhauling a factory the company has near the Sandusky River are scheduled for a March 25 bench trial, according to a Wednesday order.
January 08, 2025
Group Alleges $10M 'Sham' In Fla. Plant-Based Co. Stock Deal
A Canadian investment group has sued two Delaware corporations in Florida federal court over a "sham" stock deal, alleging it was fraudulently induced to sell its plant-based food technology company and later cheated out of $10 million worth of cash and common stock it was promised.
January 08, 2025
Farm Owner Can't Claim $6.5M For Border Wall, 5th Circ. Told
The federal government argued Wednesday that a Texas woman isn't owed millions of dollars in compensation for a section of the state's border wall built on her land, telling the Fifth Circuit that a principle giving landowners rights to property improvements can't be equitably applied to the federal government.
January 08, 2025
Insurer To Fight Limits In Smucker's Salmonella Coverage Suit
An insurer seeking a bigger contribution from its insured J.M. Smucker Co. may appeal a court ruling that found there was just one occurrence within underlying litigation against the food company over 225 batches of salmonella-tainted Jif peanut butter, an Ohio federal judge said Wednesday.
January 08, 2025
Welch's Asks 3rd Circ. To Nix Alleged Harasser Rehire Order
Welch's is asking the Third Circuit to undo a September order from a Pennsylvania judge requiring it to rehire a worker fired for allegedly sexually harassing a co-worker, saying the labor arbitrator who issued the decision failed to make a clear finding of fact both initially and on remand.
January 08, 2025
Shoppers Say Kroger Merger Suit Still Alive After Nixed Deal
Consumers challenging the abandoned merger between Kroger Co. and Albertsons urged a California federal court not to toss their case despite two court injunctions against the deal, arguing that they have effectively prevailed on their antitrust claims and should get an injunction and attorney fees.
January 08, 2025
Black Ex-Poultry Worker Wants Secret Recordings In Bias Trial
A Black former employee at Mountaire Farms Inc. has urged a North Carolina federal judge to let the jury in his upcoming racial termination bias trial hear secret recordings he made of his conversations with company representatives, arguing he can verify their authenticity.
January 08, 2025
Judge Laments Atty's $32K Sanctions Saga In Tasty Bias Case
A Pennsylvania judge expressed disappointment Wednesday about the need for a $32,000 sanction against an attorney accused of flouting deadlines in his client's employment discrimination claims against Tasty Baking Co., noting that "it didn't have to be this way."
January 08, 2025
Jones Day, Ropes & Gray Build $795M Deal For Simple Mills
Packaged bakery food producer Flowers Foods Inc., advised by Jones Day, on Wednesday announced plans to acquire better-for-you snack brand Simple Mills, led by Ropes & Gray LLP, in a $795 million cash deal.
January 08, 2025
Abbott Beats UC Regents' Probiotic Patent Claims
An Illinois federal judge has found that claims in a pair of patents owned by the University of California related to a baby probiotic were invalid, handing a win to Abbott Laboratories in a suit accusing the company of infringing the patents.
January 08, 2025
DOL Searching For SC Farm Workers Owed $132K In Wages
The U.S. Department of Labor is trying to restore $132,000 to more than 600 temporary agricultural workers for a South Carolina company who had money illegally deducted from their wages for cleaning fees and political donations.
January 07, 2025
Starbucks' Former IP Head Joins Davis Wright In Seattle
Batur Oktay, the former leader of Starbucks Corp.'s intellectual property program, has joined Davis Wright Tremaine LLP as a partner in the firm's Seattle office, according to an announcement Tuesday.
January 07, 2025
Alcohol Warnings Unlikely To Bring Same Fate Tobacco Faced
The U.S. surgeon general on Friday recommended that alcohol carry warnings about cancer risks, and attorneys say that while warning labels might be warranted, alcohol is unlikely to become the next tobacco.
January 07, 2025
4th Circ. Says Farm Bill Does Not Preempt Va. Hemp Law
The Fourth Circuit affirmed Tuesday that the federal farm bill legalizing hemp nationwide did not preempt Virginia's new law reining in intoxicating products containing THC derived from hemp.
January 07, 2025
Mont. Bill Floats Mine, Data Center Property Tax Changes
Montana would lower the property tax rate imposed on metal mines, certain agricultural land and railroads but raise the rate on data center property as part of a bill introduced in the state Senate.
January 07, 2025
Fla. Crash Victims Can't Get Insurer Payout In Revised Suits
A Florida state appellate panel has blocked three vehicle crash victims' attempts to collect $16 million from an insurer, saying that the company wasn't properly joined as a party by the time settlements were reached and that final judgments were issued in two separate lawsuits over the same incident.
January 07, 2025
Coffee Co. Says Exporter Owes $18M For Missing Shipments
A "green" coffee retailer told a Florida federal judge on Tuesday that it can prove it is owed more than $18 million for prepaid coffee shipments that were never received from a Nicaraguan green coffee bean exporter.
January 07, 2025
US Foods Slapped With Class Wage Suit By Ex-Seattle Worker
US Foods has been hit with a proposed class action by a former employee in Seattle who claims the food service retailer systematically shorts workers on breaks, overtime pay, sick leave and expense reimbursements, according to a new lawsuit in Washington federal court.
Expert Analysis
Use The Right Kind Of Feedback To Help Gen Z Attorneys
Generation Z associates bring unique perspectives and expectations to the workplace, so it’s imperative that supervising attorneys adapt their feedback approach in order to help young lawyers learn and grow — which is good for law firms, too, says Rachael Bosch at Fringe Professional Development.
Congress Can And Must Enact A Supreme Court Ethics Code
As public confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court dips to historic lows following reports raising conflict of interest concerns, Congress must exercise its constitutional power to enact a mandatory and enforceable code of ethics for the high court, says Muhammad Faridi, president of the New York City Bar Association.
What To Make Of Dueling Corporate Transparency Act Rulings
Although challenges to the Corporate Transparency Act abound — as highlighted by recent federal court decisions from Alabama and Oregon taking opposite positions on its constitutionality — the act is still law, so companies should comply with their filing requirements or face the potential consequences, say attorneys at Lowenstein Sandler.
The Pop Culture Docket: Justice Lebovits On Gilbert And Sullivan
Characters in the 19th century comic operas of Gilbert and Sullivan break the rules of good lawyering by shamelessly throwing responsible critical thought to the wind, providing hilarious lessons for lawyers and judges on how to avoid a surfeit of traps and tribulations, say acting New York Supreme Court Justice Gerald Lebovits and law student Tara Scown.
State Of The States' AI Legal Ethics Landscape
Over the past year, several state bar associations, as well as the American Bar Association, have released guidance on the ethical use of artificial intelligence in legal practice, all of which share overarching themes and some nuanced differences, say Eric Pacifici and Kevin Henderson at SMB Law Group.
How Biden Admin Has Used Antitrust Tools, And What's Next
The last four years have been marked by an aggressive whole-of-government approach to antitrust enforcement using a broad range of tools, and may result in lasting change regardless of the upcoming presidential election result, say attorneys at Norton Rose.
Cos. Face Increasing Risk From Environmental Citizen Suits
Environmental citizen suits stepping in to fill the regulatory vacuum concerning consumer goods waste may soon become more common, and the evolving procedural landscape and changes to environmental law may contribute to companies' increased exposure, say J. Michael Showalter and Bradley Rochlen at ArentFox Schiff.
8 Childhood Lessons That Can Help You Be A Better Attorney
A new school year is underway, marking a fitting time for attorneys to reflect on some fundamental life lessons from early childhood that offer a framework for problems that no legal textbook can solve, say Chris Gismondi and Chris Campbell at DLA Piper.
Challenge To Ill. Card Fee Law Explores Compliance Hurdles
A recent federal lawsuit challenging an Illinois law that will soon forbid electronic payment networks from charging fees for processing the tax and tip portions of card transactions, fleshes out the glaring compliance challenges and exposure risks financial institutions must be ready to face next summer, says Martin Kiernan at Amundsen Davis.
Harris Unlikely To Shelve Biden Admin's Food Antitrust Stance
A look at Vice President Kamala Harris' past record, including her actions as California attorney general, shows why practitioners should prepare for continued aggressive antitrust enforcement, particularly in the food and grocery industries, if Harris wins the presidential election, says Steve Vieux at Bartko.
This Election, We Need To Talk About Court Process
In recent decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has markedly transformed judicial processes — from summary judgment standards to notice pleadings — which has, in turn, affected individuals’ substantive rights, and we need to consider how the upcoming presidential election may continue this pattern, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
The Complex Challenges Facing Sustainable Food Packaging
More and more states are requiring recycled content to be used in product packaging, creating complex technological and regulatory considerations for manufacturers who must also comply with federal food safety requirements, say Peter Coneski and Natalie Rainer at K&L Gates.
Playing Diplomacy Makes Us Better Lawyers
Similar to the practice of law, the rules of Diplomacy — a strategic board game set in pre-World War I Europe — are neither concise nor without ambiguity, and weekly gameplay with our colleagues has revealed the game's practical applications to our work as attorneys, say Jason Osborn and Ben Bevilacqua at Winston & Strawn.
5th Circ. Shows Admin Rules Can Survive Court Post-Chevron
The Fifth Circuit's textual analysis of the Fair Labor Standards Act, contributing to its recent affirming of the U.S. Department of Labor’s authority to set an overtime exemption salary threshold, suggests administrative laws can survive post-Chevron challenges, say Jessi Thaller-Moran and Erin Barker at Brooks Pierce.
How Patent Litigation Is Changing Amid Decline In Filings
Marked by a notable decline in case filings and preferred venue shifts, patent litigation has undergone significant changes over the last decade and litigation hot spots have shifted, encouraging a more strategic approach to patent disputes, says Saishruti Mutneja at Winston & Strawn.