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January 13, 2025
On Cross, Madigan Says He Merely Helped Job-Seekers
Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan distanced himself Monday from political allies who prosecutors say bribed him for jobs and other benefits, saying his recommendations were just that, and that he thought he was effective in shutting down a former alderman's quid pro quo suggestion.
January 13, 2025
Judge In John Deere Antitrust Case Flags Potential Conflict
The Illinois federal judge overseeing a proposed right-to-repair class action against John Deere told the parties on Monday that he is facing a potential conflict of interest after finding the name of a "good friend" in documents connected to the case.
January 13, 2025
Hytera Pleads Guilty To Stealing Motorola Trade Secrets
Hytera Communications Corp. Ltd. pled guilty Monday to one count of conspiracy to steal trade secrets from Motorola Solutions relating to its digital mobile radios, avoiding a trial scheduled next month in Chicago federal court.
January 13, 2025
State Farm, Insurance Association Escape Data-Sharing Suit
An Illinois federal judge dismissed a proposed class action complaint Monday accusing State Farm of improperly sharing personal health information with a consortium of other insurers that allowed them to raise premiums and deny coverage industrywide, finding the conduct wasn't prohibited under the Illinois Insurance Code.
January 13, 2025
Ex-Cook County Assessor Officer Hit With Bribery Charges
A chief hearings officer for former Cook County Assessor Joseph Berrios' office accepted bribes, including from a law firm's tax consultant, when handling a property assessment appeal, a new lawsuit in Illinois federal court alleges.
January 13, 2025
McDonald's Sued Over College Scholarship For Latinos
The same organization that successfully sued Harvard University over its affirmative action policies targeted McDonald's with a lawsuit in Tennessee federal court Sunday over its Latino scholarship program, arguing it violates a federal statute governing equal rights under the law.
January 13, 2025
CFPB Can't Get $43M Fine From Telemarketing Debt Co. Yet
An Illinois federal judge Friday waited to order the owner of a defunct debt company to pay $43 million for misrepresenting to customers they could eliminate their student loans, pointing to a U.S. Supreme Court decision holding the accused has a right to a jury trial when financial penalties are on the line.
January 13, 2025
3 Firms Build Clearwater's $1.5B Buy Of Enfusion
Software company Clearwater Analytics on Monday unveiled plans to buy investment management and hedge fund industry-focused software company Enfusion in a $1.5 billion deal built by three law firms.
January 13, 2025
Justices Won't Eye 7th Circ.'s Stay Of Trade Secrets Fight
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to review whether the Seventh Circuit correctly paused an Illinois trade secrets case involving a company that sells nail polish while a dispute over who owns the business plays out in New Jersey state court.
January 10, 2025
Up Next At High Court: Porn ID Check & Retiree Discrimination
The U.S. Supreme Court will return to the bench Monday for a full argument session, in which the justices will debate whether a Texas law requiring pornography websites to verify their visitors aren't minors violates the First Amendment and if retirees have the right to sue former employers for benefits discrimination.
January 10, 2025
Comcast Urges 2nd Win Over Viamedia Market Shutout Claims
Comcast and Viamedia clashed Friday over whether an Illinois federal judge should decide if Comcast's platform connecting spot cable providers to advertisers is a one- or two-sided platform as she determines whether Viamedia's market monopoly claims should go to trial, as the Seventh Circuit once envisioned.
January 10, 2025
Real Estate Recap: REIT Activism, Enviro Policy, Power Woes
Catch up on this past week's key developments by state from Law360 Real Estate Authority — including one attorney's expectations for shareholder activism at real estate investment trusts in 2025, the environmental policies that are top of mind for attorneys going into the new year, and the impact power constraints may have on data center gains.
January 10, 2025
Blue State AGs Urge Walmart To Reinstate DEI Initiatives
A group of Democratic state attorneys general sent a letter to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon on Thursday urging the retail giant to reconsider scrapping diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, saying such programs "are not just good policy, but in many cases are necessary to comply with the law."
January 10, 2025
Health Co. Wants To Quit Nicotine Surcharge Suit
Nonprofit health system Advocate Aurora Health is urging an Illinois federal judge to permanently toss former employees' lawsuit targeting an allegedly illegal tobacco-use surcharge in its health plan, arguing that after three tries they still have failed to bring a viable claim.
January 10, 2025
7th Circ. Halts FDIC Enforcement Order Against Ex-Bank Chair
The Seventh Circuit on Friday granted a request from an Illinois community bank's onetime chairman for an emergency stay of professional sanctions the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ordered as part of an in-house proceeding the executive has alleged was unconstitutional.
January 10, 2025
Stellantis Fights To Preserve Suit Over UAW's Strike Threat
Stellantis' North American arm has asked a California federal judge to preserve its lawsuit accusing the United Auto Workers of making an unlawful strike threat, saying even though the union agreed to hold off on striking, the threat could still be a prosecutable contract violation.
January 10, 2025
Illinois Adds 4 Conditions To Medical Pot Eligibility List
The Illinois Department of Public Health has issued an order adding four conditions to the list of medical issues eligible for treatment with medical cannabis.
January 09, 2025
Ill. Captive Meetings Ban Flouts 1st Amendment, Groups Say
If Florida couldn't outlaw corporate diversity training without violating the First Amendment, then Illinois can't outlaw so-called captive audience meetings, a libertarian think tank and business group told an Illinois federal judge, saying Illinois' law restricts employers' freedom of speech as much as Florida's now-stricken statute did.
January 09, 2025
Credit Card Case Should Have Been Remanded, 7th Circ. Says
An Illinois district court faced with competing motions to remove a credit card receipt dispute from its docket should have returned the suit to state court rather than grant the Army and Airforce Exchange Service's bid to dismiss it, the Seventh Circuit said Wednesday.
January 09, 2025
Ropes & Gray-Led Vistria Wraps Largest-Ever Fund At $3B
Middle-market private equity shop The Vistria Group LP, advised by Ropes & Gray LLP, on Thursday said it clinched its largest-ever private equity fund after securing $3 billion of total investor commitments.
January 09, 2025
Beer Sales Rep Can't Show Lasting Harm From Noncompete
A former Boston Beer Co. sales employee challenging a one-year noncompete agreement has failed to show how she will suffer irreparable harm without a preliminary injunction, a Massachusetts federal judge ruled Wednesday, saying any damages are "readily calculable" if she ultimately wins the case.
January 09, 2025
BakerHostetler Adds 3 Attys In DC, Chicago Offices
A trio of attorneys have moved to BakerHostetler, two of whom work with immigration-related labor and employment matters in Chicago, and another based in the nation's capital, who focuses on trademark and copyrighted intellectual property matters, the firm announced Wednesday.
January 09, 2025
Rooftop Owner Can't Strike Out Chicago Cubs' Ticket Suit
A rooftop venue owner accused of selling tickets to Chicago Cubs games and other events without a license cannot ditch the lawsuit and redirect its claims to arbitration because he brought the wrong motion to do so, an Illinois federal judge said Tuesday.
January 09, 2025
Kraft Heinz Set For March Trial Over Food Factory Overhaul
Kraft Heinz Foods Co. and the Ohio contractor that accused it of failing to pay $7.6 million for the work and materials that went into overhauling a factory the company has near the Sandusky River are scheduled for a March 25 bench trial, according to a Wednesday order.
January 08, 2025
Meta, Microsoft, Google Seek To Toss DNA Data-Sharing Suit
DNA-testing platform Nebula Genomics, Meta Platforms, Microsoft and Google urged a Chicago federal judge to toss a putative class action accusing the companies of surreptitiously misusing customers' genetic data through tracking software on Nebula's website, arguing that the complaint lacks specifics tying the defendants to alleged wrongdoing.
Expert Analysis
This Election, We Need To Talk About Court Process
In recent decades, the U.S. Supreme Court has markedly transformed judicial processes — from summary judgment standards to notice pleadings — which has, in turn, affected individuals’ substantive rights, and we need to consider how the upcoming presidential election may continue this pattern, says Reuben Guttman at Guttman Buschner.
The Complex Challenges Facing Sustainable Food Packaging
More and more states are requiring recycled content to be used in product packaging, creating complex technological and regulatory considerations for manufacturers who must also comply with federal food safety requirements, say Peter Coneski and Natalie Rainer at K&L Gates.
Illinois May Be Gearing Up To Ban E-Verify
Recently passed amendments to the Illinois Right to Privacy in the Workplace Act appear to effectively ban the use of E-Verify in the state, but ambiguity means employers will have to weigh the risks of continued use while also taking note of other work authorization requirements imposed by the updates, say Julie Ratliff and Elizabeth Wellhausen at Taft.
Playing Diplomacy Makes Us Better Lawyers
Similar to the practice of law, the rules of Diplomacy — a strategic board game set in pre-World War I Europe — are neither concise nor without ambiguity, and weekly gameplay with our colleagues has revealed the game's practical applications to our work as attorneys, say Jason Osborn and Ben Bevilacqua at Winston & Strawn.
Applying High Court's Domestic Corruption Rulings To FCPA
After the U.S. Supreme Court narrowed the domestic corruption statutes in three decisions over the past year and a half, it’s worth evaluating whether these rulings may have an impact on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement, and if attorneys can use the court’s reasoning in international bribery cases, says James Koukios at MoFo.
Mental Health First Aid: A Brief Primer For Attorneys
Amid a growing body of research finding that attorneys face higher rates of mental illness than the general population, firms should consider setting up mental health first aid training programs to help lawyers assess mental health challenges in their colleagues and intervene with compassion, say psychologists Shawn Healy and Tracey Meyers.
John Deere Penalty Shows Importance Of M&A Due Diligence
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's recent $10 million penalty against John Deere underscores the risks of not conducting robust preacquisition due diligence and not effectively integrating a new subsidiary into the existing compliance framework, say attorneys at Ropes & Gray.
Collecting Art Makes Me A Better Lawyer
The therapeutic aspects of appreciating and collecting art improve my legal practice by enhancing my observation skills, empathy, creativity and cultural awareness, says attorney Michael McCready.
Navigating The Complexities Of Cyber Incident Reporting
When it comes to cybersecurity incident response plans, the uptick in the number and targets of legal and regulatory actions emphasizes the necessity for businesses to document the facts underlying the assumptions, complexities and obstacles of their decisions during the incident response, say attorneys at Troutman Pepper.
Litigation Inspiration: Honoring Your Learned Profession
About 30,000 people who took the bar exam in July will learn they passed this fall, marking a fitting time for all attorneys to remember that they are members in a specialty club of learned professionals — and the more they can keep this in mind, the more benefits they will see, says Bennett Rawicki at Hilgers Graben.
AI May Limit Key Learning Opportunities For Young Attorneys
The thing that’s so powerful about artificial intelligence is also what’s most scary about it — its ability to detect patterns may curtail young attorneys’ chance to practice the lower-level work of managing cases, preventing them from ever honing the pattern recognition skills that undergird creative lawyering, says Sarah Murray at Trialcraft.
A Class Action Trend Tests Limit Of Courts' Equity Powers
A troubling trend has developed in federal class action litigation as some counsel and judges attempt to push injunctive relief classes under Rule 23(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure beyond the traditional limits of federal courts' equitable powers, say attorneys at Jones Day.
Class Actions At The Circuit Courts: September Lessons
In this month's review of class action appeals, Mitchell Engel at Shook Hardy identifies practice tips from four recent class certification rulings involving denial of Medicare reimbursements, automobile insurance disputes, veterans' rights and automobile defects.
How Lucia, Jarkesy Could Affect Grocery Merger Challenge
While the Federal Trade Commission is taking a dual federal court and administrative tribunal approach to block Kroger's merger with Alberstons, Kroger's long-shot unconstitutionality claims could potentially lead to a reevaluation of the FTC's reliance on administrative processes in complex merger cases, say attorneys at Saul Ewing.
Round-Canopy Parachuting Makes Me A Better Lawyer
Similar to the practice of law, jumping from an in-flight airplane with nothing but training and a few yards of parachute silk is a demanding and stressful endeavor, and the experience has bolstered my legal practice by enhancing my focus, teamwork skills and sense of perspective, says Thomas Salerno at Stinson.